UITF, Stocks, Real Estate?
Question: What's the real score in investments? What investment is right for you?

 All of the
 investment materials are good. From stocks, bonds, UITF but it all depends on the objective of the client even though most individuals prefer spending rather than saving.

One common mistake of individuals
 is mostly in management and proper identification which are needed to be prioritized.

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The majority
 of Filipino's and people abroad still invests in conservative materials (SDA's , Time Deposit) and other materials which we all know for the past few years was low. What will be the alternative?

 UITF: If we will put in context based on PNB's definition. A UITF
 Fund or a Unit Investment Trust Fund is a kind of Trust fund which pools investors' funds and invest in various materials such as Government Securities, bonds, Etc.  What I like about UITF is that this is a type of diversification. Instead of raising high capital to diversify your portfolio  you can invest in one of this fund. This is also handled by banks which is a popular choice for many Pinoy's. Putting in a UITF can minimize your risk by diversification. The fund is invested in several instruments including stocks and bonds. With an average performance of 15%-20% per year.

Real Estate: 
If you're thinking about investing in a rental property, experts say low home prices combined with low interest rates make this the best time in years to become a real-estate investor. Since not all investment properties are the same, it's important to determine what type of property fits your strategy, says Harrison Merrill, chief executive officer of Merrill Trust Group, a real-estate investment company based in Atlanta. Do you want to become a landlord, or would you rather restore and resell properties? Are you interested in apartment buildings and other commercial real estate, or in buying land that can be developed? First-time real-estate investors may want to start with residential housing, since it's  cheaper and easier to find a market."MSN Money"

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Stock Investments: This is currently a hot cake  in the Philippine market. The capital stock (or stock) of an incorporated business constitutes the equity stake of its owners. It represents the residual assets of the company that would be due to stockholders after discharge of all senior claims such as secured and unsecured debt but what is good about stock is the liquidity. You can dispose this asset anytime you need to liquidate but the disadvantage of liquidity is volatility. Due to liquidity, people are key sensitive in fundamental issues regarding environmental or company performance.

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SJF Wealth Manager's advice: Always diversify your portfolio especially for beginners. If you're quite new in investments and you would like to invest on your own, it will be wise to consult an SJF Wealth Manager before investing. You have to consider many factors. Not only the investment, but your financial health before entering this world of Up's and Down's. Investment is double blade. It may help you and kill you at the same time if you're not careful.

In summary, what is good for you is not what material but the change of attitude and the right people to help you.